Steps to Effective Change Communications

By Lisa Hildebrandt | Jun 24, 2024

Change is a constant and ever-accelerating force that compels leaders to redirect visions, capitalize on new ideas, adjust course, or chart new paths forward. Against this landscape, it’s more important than ever to craft change communications strategies that engage audiences, inspire skeptics and stick in the fabric of an organization.  Whether you’re navigating a leadership […]

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9 Steps to Strengthen Employee Engagement

By Lisa Hildebrandt | Mar 22, 2024

“Courage, innovation and discipline help drive company performance, especially in tough economic times. Effective internal communications can keep employees engaged in the business and help companies retain key talent, provide consistent value to customers and deliver superior financial performance to shareholders.” – Harvard Business Review I’m a passionate believer that people are the heart of […]

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5 Ways Hospitality Businesses Can Ace Holiday Season Marketing Campaigns 

By Jessie Levine | Nov 21, 2023

For hospitality businesses including hotels, restaurants, and bars, the holidays can be a particularly stressful time of year. One aspect that doesn’t have to be stressful is developing and executing a holiday season marketing plan. Here we sprinkle a bit of holiday magic and detail five fool-proof ways to ace your hospitality brand’s marketing campaign.  […]

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Strong Media Relations Key to Long-term PR Success

By Kyle Mallory | May 9, 2023

Building strong relationships with media is critical to the success of any PR campaign. In today’s competitive media landscape, it’smore important than ever to develop and maintain strong relationships with journalists, editors, and content producers. I started my career in news, working both for a newspaper as well as a local TV station, and it provided a […]

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Mastering The Art of Designing and Delivering Strategies That Stick

By Lisa Hildebrandt | Nov 2, 2022

In today’s rapidly evolving business climate, leaders in nearly every industry are compelled to think more creatively, broaden their horizons, strengthen their aptitude for adaptability, and explore all possibilities. This can leave even the savviest communications pros asking themselves: How can we think differently? How can we exude gravitas and energy in client meetings? How can […]

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Relationship Advice 101

By Ann Smith | Jun 9, 2022

The topic of relationships is prevalent in our house these days. Having teenagers brings the power of human connection front and center. Whether it’s highs and lows with friends, experiencing first loves or seeking to find common ground with parents, teens are on one hell of a relationship rollercoaster. And while it can be daunting […]

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The Turning Point: Six Steps to Survive a Corporate Crisis

By Lisa Hildebrandt | Oct 21, 2021

Socioeconomic unrest, the great resignation, and the pandemic have given rise to a pivotal, branding defining time. Now more than ever, an organization’s every action (or inaction) is highly scrutinized, and the critical importance of PR has been magnified. Against this backdrop, PR leaders are called to rethink their crisis communications strategies and guide clients […]

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A Crash Course in Crisis Communications

By Katie Brotherton | May 5, 2021

Between an ongoing pandemic and increasing socioeconomic volatility, the past 18 months have served as a crash course in crisis communications. Leaders, companies and brands are constantly tossed into the proverbial deep end as a merciless sink-or-swim test that disrupts the economy, financial markets and global supply chains. Yet, many can credit excellence in crisis communications […]

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“Silence is Not a ‘Safe’ Messaging Play” in Wake of Riot

By Gretchen Hoffman | Jan 11, 2021

Each day brings a new announcement of a brand or organization repudiating the Capitol riot and the officials who opposed the presidential vote certification. Among the latest: Marriott announced Sunday that it had cut support for the Republican senators, including Republican Sens. Josh Hawley (Mo.) and Ted Cruz (Texas), who opposed the Electoral College count following the deadly mob […]

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4 Resources for Writing Inclusively

By Lexi Foldenauer | Dec 15, 2020

Writing with an inclusive lens takes practice and intentionality, particularly if you are a member of a privileged group. As PR and communications professionals, we have an opportunity to influence social conversation and make an impact through our writing and communication. Diversity, equity and inclusion should be at the forefront of everything we do as […]

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Tips for Talking Politics: PR Edition

By Amber Luckett | Dec 2, 2020

Over the past month, we have all watched one of the most highly anticipated presidential elections play out before us. It’s been stressful, confusing, messy, and hard, and in many of our cases, it’s probably led to some pretty intense and emotionally charged conversations. As PR professionals, we’re taught to tap into our emotional intelligence […]

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Five Ways to Master Compassionate Internal Communications

By Lisa Hildebrandt | Jun 8, 2020

We’ve all heard the phrase “change is the only constant.” Yet in this era of exponential evolution, change is no longer constant. It’s the variable and ever-accelerating force that compels leaders to redirect visions, stay the course or chart new paths forward. And today, as civic unrest, systemic racial injustice and a global pandemic takes precedence, it […]

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