Making Summer Productive: 5 Tips for Agency Owners

By Ann Smith | Jul 25, 2024

Agency life gets weird in the summer. Things get kind of quiet, schedules become irregular, and the overall pace of work slows.  I hope everyone’s summer is full of travel, friends and sunshine but when you must work, here are five things to consider doing as time allows.  Market yourself. We all backburner our own marketing […]

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Driving Forward in 2024

By Ann Smith | Jan 29, 2024

Hey everybody! Does it feel like Christmas was just yesterday? Well guess what? It’s less than 10 months until the Smith house is covered in decorations again. Crazy, right? Time is a thief and just like that we’re already one month into 2024. New years welcome in fresh starts and renewed energy and as I […]

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Making Your Story Stick in the Summertime

By Ann Smith | Jul 11, 2023

It’s that time of year when the days are long, but the time is oh, so short! We are all eager to maximize the weeks with no school regimes or weather snafus. But despite summer and all of its glory, the show must go on! Clients still have stories to tell and us PR pros […]

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Make 2023 a “Hell Yes!”

By Ann Smith | Jan 26, 2023

New year, new you. New year resolutions. Word of the year. Phrase of the year. The list of annual clichés and expectations goes on. As January quickly set in, I immediately found myself in a sea of scheduling: work conferences, family vacations, team offsites, kid activities. While excited for what lies ahead, I was quickly […]

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Relationship Advice 101

By Ann Smith | Jun 9, 2022

The topic of relationships is prevalent in our house these days. Having teenagers brings the power of human connection front and center. Whether it’s highs and lows with friends, experiencing first loves or seeking to find common ground with parents, teens are on one hell of a relationship rollercoaster. And while it can be daunting […]

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What in the World is Happening on LinkedIn?

By Ann Smith | Feb 28, 2022

Let me start by saying that I love me some good LinkedIn time. While my husband is burning the midnight oil on TikTok I’m over there scrolling through people’s professional posts on LinkedIn. That being said, what in the world is happening on this platform right now?  I always think of LinkedIn as the professional […]

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Taking Out a New Lease (Literally) On Business Life

By Ann Smith | Oct 18, 2021

When I sent the email to our team in the early morning of March 13 of 2020 letting them know that we’d be closing our office for the next 2 weeks, given the suddenly growing concern about COVID-19, I couldn’t have imagined that we’d never return.  What transpired over the next 19 months is hard […]

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One Year Later: Flashing Back to March 2020

By Ann Smith | Mar 5, 2021

March is my favorite month. It starts off with a flurry of birthdays in my family, then a Guinness and shepherd’s pie at Kells on St. Patrick’s Day and with any luck some time away in the sunshine over spring break. But March now holds another place in history: the month COVID-19 changed our lives […]

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Wordsmithing for Impact

By Ann Smith | Feb 10, 2021

As I sat awestruck listening to the poetry flow out of Amanda Gorman’s mouth at the presidential inauguration on January 20, I had one thought coursing through my mind: words matter. She was brilliantly captivating, and when I went to her website I had never been prouder to be aligned with a fellow self-proclaimed “wordsmith.”  When I […]

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We are Grateful

By Ann Smith | Nov 25, 2020

In a year filled with challenges, we are humbled by all we have to be grateful for this season. To our clients, partners, colleagues, friends and families, our team sends our heartfelt love and thanks. “This year I’m deeply thankful for kindness, common sense and the strength to keep showing up.” “This year, more than ever, […]

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A.wordsmith in August

By Ann Smith | Aug 16, 2020

I had the best of intentions to write this communication in July. Alas, like much of the past five months, the days and weeks seem to inexplicably pass by and before I know it, another month has arrived and now it’s mid-August! No one could have predicted this is how we’d be spending our spring, […]

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Readying for a Comeback

By Ann Smith | May 26, 2020

This morning I was scrolling through LinkedIn and came to a new post from advertising agency Wieden & Kennedy. They had shared their newest collaboration with Nike – a 90-second spot that transcends advertising and struck me right in the gut. A message of resilience and hope – of comebacks.  Sport is big in our […]

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