Happy New Year! Everyone on the team here at A.wordsmith had a fun-filled holiday season, including trips to Tennessee and Alaska, celebrating one year of marriage, snowshoeing with family and eating – a lot. Now that 2019 is upon us, we’ve put together some of our goals for this year. We’re looking forward to holding each other accountable and making 2019 the best year yet!


Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the big picture, I overlook the small joys. In 2019, I want to prioritize some of the little things that make me smile: mascara on during a workout, date nights with my husband and reading books even when I’m not on vacation.


I’d like to start devoting time to the things I love, like creating art. I’d also like to make going to the gym four times a week a habit again. 


In 2019, I’d love to run a half marathon, take spontaneous trips more often and dedicate more time to my faith. I’d also love to start being more intentional with others – remembering people’s names, reaching out for coffee and showing that I care. 


In 2019, I am looking forward to setting aside more time dedicated to being creative. Whether this is writing, gardening, photography or other outlets, I am hoping to be more intentional about creating new things this year.


My goal for the new year is to carve out a little more time for hobbies. As packed as my schedule typically is, I’m not sure where the time will come from, but I’m guessing it will mean borrowing some time from other downtime activities (Netflix and social media, I’m looking at you). I hope that putting my hands to work on some novel tasks will boost my creativity overall, and I look forward to trying some new things. (You may even find me making ink from foraged materials, now that I’ve been gifted a beautiful how-to book!)


Live in the moment.


This year, I’m making a concerted effort to drink more water, be more present and live in the moment – less focused on the digital world and the incessant notifications that come along with it, and more focused on enjoying one more glass of prosecco, appreciating the beauty of nature, mastering new skills, taking time for the ones I love and truly living life to the fullest.


This year I will be handier around the house, call my mom more and maintain title of “the cool aunt.”


I want to learn a new creative skill this year and I settled on calligraphy/hand-lettering! I’d like to read more books – especially at night instead of staring at my phone. I’d also like to reduce the amount of plastic I use by getting more reusable products. 


My New Year’s resolution is to ride my bike home from work at least 3x a week to my home in Milwaukie – no excuses just because it’s raining! Cycling is such a great mind-clearing activity and a great way to reset at the end of the day, and I want to do more of it throughout 2019.