Avoid Bad PR with Good Grammar

By A.wordsmith | Feb 4, 2016

There’s no shortage of articles about the enduring importance of good grammar in the modern business world. They illuminate the ways it bestows credibility on the writer, indicates professionalism, and ensures clarity and accuracy. As a grammar nut myself, I couldn’t agree more. But there’s one more thing I’d like to add to that list: bad […]

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Promote Your Client’s Business with Meetup, the Antidote to Traditional Social Media

By A.wordsmith | Jan 13, 2016

A client recently asked us about using Meetup.com to expand their reach. Meetup, if you aren’t familiar, is a social network that allows users to organize real life, face-to-face events. Think of Meetup as the antidote to traditional social media. If Facebook is diluting good old-fashioned friendship and Twitter disconnects us from our neighbors, Meetup […]

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