In news this week is Pinterest. Both the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) and Social Media Examiner are saying that Pinterest is the fastest growing social media platform. A CMI post says that when compared to Facebook’s 6% member growth, Pinterest increases engagement for brands and experienced a huge 57% jump in members in 2014 and many sources project that the site will hit 50 million active users by the end of this year.

More customers that land on a brand’s pin are likely to purchase than if they see a sponsored post on Facebook. Even if your client is a non-profit, Pinterest increases engagement for brands and is a great platform to promote their cause.

Pinterest Increases Engagement for Brands

Top three tips on how Pinterest increases engagement for brands


  • Add a Pin It button to all the content on your brand’s site
  • Encourage followers to take pictures of how they’re engaging with the brand – note that user-generated content is the key here (great example is The Gap’s collaborative boards)
  • Make sure your boards reflect your business: Stay focused and don’t confuse followers


For additional  ideas, visit this article posted on Social Media Examiner.