Client Description:
Technology Association of Oregon (TAO) is a local nonprofit working to build opportunities, better the economy and unify a voice for innovation. TAO empowers businesses and entrepreneurs through networks, events, advocacy, resources and more.
Project Description
TAO approached A.wordsmith for support in developing a digital magazine that could be used for two purposes. First, to highlight businesses and amenities around the state for those attending TAO’s Annual Tech Tours in September. Second, the magazine would showcase the variety and scale of the opportunities available in Oregon and SW Washington for potential new talent that may be looking to move to Oregon.
A.wordsmith managed the entire project from start to finish – providing editorial guidance, developing story ideas, conducting all interviews and research, developing the pieces, managing the review process with numerous stakeholders, and gathering images. A.wordsmith also executed the entire design for the magazine.
Key Results
In less than four months from start to finish, A.wordsmith conceptualized and completed TAO’s first digital magazine, Techlandia. The magazine included nine short pieces highlighting amenities and attractiveness of Oregon as a place to work and live, nine profiles of Oregon businesses, three long form features and a letter from TAO’s CEO.
Read Techlandia here.