CHR Creative

Client Description

An IT solutions provider in Portland, CHR Creative is unique in its approach to service as well as the level of customization it provides for clients.

Project Description

CHR came to A.wordsmith ready to make an update to its existing branding and corporate message. In particular the company was looking for a new website and logo – but first we had to update its overall positioning. A.wordsmith went through a corporate messaging exercise with CHR, digging into what sets it apart, makes it successful and is core to its offerings.

Key Results

Out of that session A.wordsmith developed a set of core corporate messages that described who CHR is, what they do, how they do it, why they do it and who they hope to serve. After agreeing on the updated messaging, A.wordsmith wrote all new website copy for CHR, and developed an entire new brand, including the design of the new site and a fresh logo.