Natalie O'Grady
Social Media Strategist & Senior Writer
Poised, thoughtful and collaborative, Natalie is the epitome of calm under pressure. Recognized for her social media prowess, she brings both a strategic clarity and creative vision to clients. She’s the ultimate team player, intuitively bringing people together to make the magic happen.
Person you admire, and why:
Michelle Obama, for being an absolute beacon of hope and kindness in everything she does.
Go-to news sources:
Oregonian, Slate, The Cut, Twitter
Alma mater:
University of Nevada, Las Vegas and Colorado State University
Causes you care about, and organizations you support:
Suicide awareness and prevention (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, The Trevor Project), the LGBTQIA+ community (Human Rights Campaign), racial justice (Brown Hope, Black Lives Matter)
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things – because we’re curious, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
Walt Disney