Lizzie Bennett
Senior Writer
Creative, inquisitive and loyal, Lizzie is the definition of well-rounded. A collision of professionalism and personality, she has all the tools to build relationships that last and stories that resonate. Her passion for deciphering complexity is fueled by the technology industry’s continual innovation, making each new trend, thought leader and product a yet-untold narrative, just waiting to be written.
Person you admire, and why:
Brené Brown and Adam Grant. Working in the tech industry can be a struggle and they both gave me the tools to show up in more authentic ways without sacrificing my family or sanity.
Go-to news source:
The New York Times, Politico, Quartz, WIRED, Popular Science and NPR
Alma mater:
University of Puget Sound
Causes you care about, and related organizations you support:
Women’s rights and (Planned Parenthood, Supermajority), youth education (Start Making a Reader Today/SMART).
“All we can do to create change is work hard. That's my advice: just do what you do well.”
Reese Witherspoon