Lisa Hildebrandt Runquist
Vice President & Head of Strategy
Vivacious, compassionate and meticulous, Lisa is a breath of fresh air with a killer drive. Known for her attention to detail she has never met a project she couldn’t manage or a team she couldn’t rally. Her passion to crystallize the complex, inspire the skeptics and move the needle makes us all believers.
Person you admire, and why:
Brene Brown and Glennon Doyle, because they’re both incredibly strong women who rise to every challenge and take a powerful stand for what they believe in. Their research and words inspire me to dream big and dare greatly every day.
Go-to news source or sources:
The Skimm, New York Times, CNN
Alma mater:
Washington State University – Go Cougs!
Causes you care about, and related organizations you support:
Animal rescue, rights and advocacy organizations (The Oregon Humane Society, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.”
Coco Chanel