
Christy Caplan

PR Specialist


Bold, visionary and optimistic, Christy is someone who goes all in – every. single. time. Her glass-half-full attitude and insatiable enthusiasm create a steady stream of ideas that create opportunities that become wins. A seasoned media pro with writing chops to back it up make her a force to be reckoned with.

Person you admire, and why:
My mother. She was a Montessori teacher who was all in until the day she retired at age 70. She showed up every day and never called in sick!

Go-to news sources:
The Wall Street Journal, NYT “Wirecutter”, KGW-TV and OPB

Alma mater:
Indiana University Bloomington

Causes you care about, and organizations you support:
Animal welfare (West Columbia Gorge Humane Society) and wildlife habitats (NatureScaping of Southwest Washington)


“You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem,
and smarter than you think.”

Winnie the Pooh