Kassidy Naone
Kind, compassionate and personable, Kassidy epitomizes the meaning of team. Hailing from Hawai’i she exudes a passion for shared experiences, new creations and working hard to achieve big dreams. Her word is strong, and her promises are for keeps.
Person you admire, and why:
Bethany Hamilton because despite any obstacle that was thrown her way, she showed that with courage, hard work, and determination, you can overcome all odds and achieve anything that you set your mind to.
Go-to news source:
The New York Times
Alma mater:
University of Portland
Causes you care about, and related organizations you support:
Ocean conservation and animal safety (Surfrider foundation, Save The Reef, Karmagawa), mental health awareness (The Virago Project, Athletes Against Anxiety and Depression).
“Don’t compare your life to others. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon, they shine when it’s their time.”
Stephanie J. Brown